Fill Out the Form or Call Us Today To Schedule your Free* Consultation (914) 934-2000
*Please note: Federal Law prohibits Medicare and Medicaid patients from receiving any free services.
Let’s Get Healthy!
The amazing ChiroThin™ Weight Loss Program provided at Back To Health Wellness wants to help people discover how to lose weight successfully! Our ChiroThin™ Weight Loss program is the perfect combination of a natural dietary supplement which is a host of nutritional ingredients that are well known to aid in fatty acid transportation, fatty acid metabolism, and blood sugar stabilization, as well as increase metabolism and detoxification. When ChiroThin™ is combined with healthy and specific amounts of anti-inflammatory foods with a low glycemic index, your body will be more efficient at converting stored fat into energy. Essentially ChiroThin™ allows the body to more efficiently metabolize fat and use it as energy when an individual consumes fewer calories than he or she burns in a given period of time. This unique program is safe, proven and wellness-coach supervised. Through the support of Susan C. Friedman, Nutrition Consultant, you’ll receive the tools you need to not only reach your weight loss goals but maintain your healthy new look for life! Don’t wait to lose weight – get started today!
Schedule Your Free Consultation Now!
*Supplemental vitamins are FDA certified.

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Natural Dietary Supplement

Nutrition and Fitness Consulting
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Fill Out the Form or Call Us Today To Schedule your Free* Consultation (914) 934-2000
*Please note: Federal Law prohibits Medicare and Medicaid patients from receiving any free services.